Forward 50 | Oren Segal: The hate tracker

Oren Segal
It’s a scene that’s as impressive as it is depressing: Whenever an extremist commits violence, Oren Segal, 45, and his team at the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism quickly identify the perpetrator’s ideology and social-media history. Sometimes, they’re even quicker than the extremists: Their monitoring of extremists’ online activities has led to at least one arrest before a white supremacist could carry out an attack he said he was planning. The group’s careful analysis of the rise of violent white nationalism – tracking down what the Charlottesville marchers are up to now, and identifying growing incidents of white-nationalist recruiting on college campuses – has been used by law enforcement and the media across the country, and Segal and his experts are frequently called upon to testify to lawmakers and consult with public safety officials.

Oren Segal
Breakfast: Coffee with milk and sugar, and a side of more coffee.
What’s the last thing you listened to on your phone? A Tribe Called Quest. Nothing helps me decompress from the never ending work identifying and responding to extremist threats, anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry more than Q-Tip, Fife and Ali.
Earliest Jewish memory: Having breakfast at Barney Greengrass on the Upper West Side with my family.
Hero: I am inspired by many people I am fortunate to encounter through my work, especially those people that find a way to find hope and courage under difficult circumstances. But my biggest heroes are my family, who never fail to fuel me with joy, humor and support.
2019 memory: The best memories are the quiet moments. They have become more rare and precious.
What is your favorite thing about being Jewish? The ability to deeply connect with my cultural history, heritage and identity regardless of how much time I may not spend in synagogue.
What app can you not live without? Signal. Communicating with friends is best done when encrypted.
Weekend ritual: Cooking for family and friends and watching them pretend to enjoy.
Read more:
The Forward’s coverage of the Anti-Defamation League’s reports on extremism
Segal’s op-ed in the Forward calling for Congressional action against websites that breed extremism.
Follow Oren Segal on Twitter @orensegal