Take our quiz to test your High Holiday knowledge
Do you confuse Sukkot and Shavuot? Have you never heard of Yom Kippur? Then you might fail this.

If you have no idea what this man is holding, perhaps you should take this quiz to find out. Courtesy of iStock
Each year, when the Jewish holidays roll around, Jews and non-Jews alike scramble to remember what’s involved.
Maybe you know the basics, but are curious what other customs are involved in observing Rosh Hashanah, or maybe you have never even heard of Yom Kippur.
Perhaps you think you’re ready, but you just feel nervous and want to double-check your hunches before you accidentally confuse Sukkot — that’s the one with the cute little huts — with Shavuot, which is in the spring and traditionally involves gorging on cheesecake.
Below, try out a quiz to check your knowledge — and, perhaps, learn a few new things.
And if taking the quiz makes you realize that you need to know a little bit more before you head to shul or a holiday meal, take a look at some of our guides to the holidays below. Or take some more quizzes — on holiday greetings here, and the Rosh Hashanah seder plate’s symbolism here.