Hannity Promises ‘Sooner Than Later’ Return To Seth Rich Conspiracy

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Sean Hannity was roundly condemned for fanning conspiracy theories about the death of Seth Rich, even after the Fox News Channel retracted a story about supposed links between the slain Democratic National Committee staffer and Wikileaks.
Now, after pledging to stay away from the fake news, Hannity is back at it, with more erroneous claims Rich’s murder last summer sure to be in the works. “Now I can report, I am making progress. We will have a lot more coming probably sooner than later,” Hannity told his viewers Tuesday.
Hannity’s insinuation that Rich might have been killed to protect the interests of the Democratic Party has sparked outrage, spurring a moderately successful advertiser boycott and anonymous complaints about his lack of journalistic integrity. He promised last week to leace the story alone out of respect for Rich’s family.
Hannity has been a stalwart of the Trump administration, and rumors have swirledhttp://thehill.com/homenews/media/335644-oreilly-fox-cant-handle-another-shake-up-if-hannity-goes that he might soon leave Fox for an even more partisan outlet, like Sinclair Broadcasting, which is now expanding its reach into local news markets.
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