Opera brings to life the poignant fate of the Great Yiddish Dictionary
Linguist Yudel Mark aimed to include every single word of the Yiddish language
Linguist Yudel Mark aimed to include every single word of the Yiddish language
Users have contributed several entries for a new verb — ‘Israeled’ — since Oct. 7
The search engine defaulted to showing a derogatory use of 'jew' as a verb
Read this article in Yiddish The world has changed massively in five years – from new political movements to a global pandemic, and now your Yiddish can keep up with it. Five years after the Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary was first published, comes a revised and expanded second edition. Both versions, edited by Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath, Dr….
I recently interviewed Yehudah Glick for the Forward. He’s, an Israeli Jewish activist who went on a hunger strike after being banned from the Temple Mount. While writing the introduction for the Q&A, I tried to dot all my i’s and cross my t’s, making sure to mention that the Haram al-Sharif (as the Temple…
“Tweet”, “dad dancing” and “geekery” are three of more than 1,200 new or revised words in the latest version of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) released on Friday. The dictionary said in a quarterly update on its website that it had expanded its entries for “follow” (verb), “follower” (noun), and “tweet” (noun and verb) to…
The representative body of Spain’s Jewish community has renewed efforts to have a pejorative word connected to Jews scrapped from the country’s official dictionary. Isaac Querub, president of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain (FCJE), recently wrote to the Royal Spanish Academy, the institution responsible for regulating the Spanish language, to remove the word…
Yiddish-Japanese Dictionary/Yidish-Yapanish Verterbukh/Idisshu-go jiten Compiled and edited by Kazuo Ueda, with the aid of Holger Nath and Boris Kotlerman Daigakusyorin, 1302 pages, ¥60,000 Rabbi Marvin Tokayer of Great Neck, N.Y., knows from Japan. “In 1969, I was living in Tokyo and I got a telephone call at my house from a guy who was Japanese…
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