Christopher Columbus was genetically Jewish, Spanish researchers say
New research uses DNA analysis to add to longtime speculation about the explorer’s identity
New research uses DNA analysis to add to longtime speculation about the explorer’s identity
The data was first stolen by a hacker nicknamed “Golem,” after the Jewish mythical defender made of clay
‘Double Helix’ tells the story of Rosalind Franklin, DNA and life itself
DNA analysis confirms the 17 dead in the Norwich well were Jewish victims of antisemitic violence
How a surprising discovery on 23andMe led to an even more surprising realization
On Tuesday, Judy Maltz reported in Haaretz that the Israeli Rabbinate, which controls conversion, marriage and divorce in Israel, is using DNA testing to verify a person’s Jewishness. Since a person who isn’t Jewish can’t marry a Jew in Israel, which has no civil marriage, the rabbinate is using the DNA test to deny people…
Crypto-Jews. Secret Jews. Conversos. Marranos. B’nai Anusim. These are the terms used for Jews, mainly of Spanish descent, who were forced to convert to Catholicism or die during the period of Spain’s Inquisition. While many Sephardic Jews did convert, some continued to practice their Judaism in secret. Now, this 500-year history of hidden Jewish lineage…
DNA is not identity. We aren’t our genetic markers. That’s the message Native American writers and activists have been trying to convey to Massachusetts Senator and likely 2020 presidential contender Elizabeth Warren. But it’s a message Jewish people at this moment could stand to hear as well. Elizabeth Warren, a white woman, has in the…
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