Nazi aesthetics sold Kanye West on everything else about Hitler
If you watch the Infowars interview, West was mostly praising the looks and sounds of Hitler’s Germany
If you watch the Infowars interview, West was mostly praising the looks and sounds of Hitler’s Germany
'Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler,' West said during a two-hour interview with Alex Jones
For some reason Jones’ defense paraphrased Martin Niemöller’s poem ‘First they came for...’
Robert Barnes, the lawyer who represented conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in a case against parents of children killed in the Sandy Hook shooting, likened the establishment of quarantine measures to Nazis rounding up Jews to bring them to concentration camps. “Know how the Nazis first sold concentration camps? They called it a quarantine. #ConstitutionOverCoronavirus” said…
Alex Jones’ InfoWars has paid up for its unauthorized use of a familiar cartoon frog. Cartoonist Matt Furie won a $15,000 settlement against Jones’ website for using his creation Pepe the Frog in merchandise espousing a far-right worldview, The Washington Post reports. Pepe, a teary-eyed anthropomorphic amphibian, dreamed up by Furie as a “peaceful frog-dude”…
The US Government created Ebola, Zika and Swine Flu. The Anthrax attacks after 9/11 were an inside job. America is run by Zionists and Rothschilds. Harvard graduates, including President Obama, have a “Nazi mentality.” One would think these were the deranged rantings of an obscure conspiracy theorist, but they are not. These views belong to…
Alex Jones, the country’s leading internet conspiracist, is teaming up with New York Times bestselling author Neil Strauss on a book about the “war for the future,” including a sinister plot to brainwash the masses and make them docile. It’s a theme that would be familiar to fans of Jones, whose broadcasts are filled with…
InfoWars, the “alt-right” Web site and spreader of conspiracy theories like “Pizzagate,” bragged Monday that it had gotten White House press credentials. That wasn’t exactly the whole truth. As Snopes reported Tuesday, InfoWars’ D.C. correspondent Jerome Corsi showed up in the presidential briefing room thanks to a weekly pass that had already been granted to…
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