Why Ladino is having a big moment — both in New York and the rest of the world
Ladino Day celebrates the Judeo-Spanish language that has made it to Netflix and the New Yorker's crossword puzzle
Ladino Day celebrates the Judeo-Spanish language that has made it to Netflix and the New Yorker's crossword puzzle
The American Ladino League celebrates a language that was the mother tongue of generations of Sephardic Jews
Since many Yiddishists are intrigued with Ladino, Moishele Alfonso reported about the NYC event in Yiddish (with English subtitles)
The 1862 Battle of Puebla paved the way for Mexico to become a haven for Jews fleeing persecution.
In one of the scenes from my book, “The Poetry of Secrets,” Isabel, the main character is served fritada espinaca, or spinach frittata, at a Shabbat dinner, her first one since she has been captured by the Spanish Inquisition. My choice of that food was deliberate. It’s an homage to my grandmother. She was born…
When Jews long ago ordered their coffee in Baghdad, gossiped in Derbent or traded recipes in Kurdistan, they did so in Judeo-Arabic, Juhuri and Neo-Aramaic— languages that are all but lost, and with them centuries of unique Jewish history, culture and tradition. Beginning this fall, Oxford University will be offering online classes in nearly a…
MADRID (JTA) — Matilde Gini de Barnatán and her daughter Viviana Rajel Barnatán didn’t set out to make Jewish history in Spain. In the 1960s and ’70s, Matilde, now 85, established herself in Argentina as a prominent researcher, teacher and scholar of the history of Sephardic culture and the Spanish Inquisition in Ibero-America. Her extensive…
This article originally appeared in the Yiddish Forverts. I first heard complaints about Ashkenormativity in March 2009, five or six years before the term was apparently coined. I was attending a conference in Chicago for young Yiddish speakers and college students interested in studying the language. While explaining how learning Yiddish as a teenager and…
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