A world-class scholar and mensch is gone — we can’t let his dream die with him
Paul Mendes-Flohr, the world's foremost Martin Buber scholar, passed away on Shemini Atzeret
Paul Mendes-Flohr, the world's foremost Martin Buber scholar, passed away on Shemini Atzeret
Coates' 'The Message' warns against the dangers of mythologizing our past
The 100-page book was more than a bestseller; it became a manifesto for existence
Eddie Buber, the dissolute twin of revered philosopher Martin Buber, had a bad time of it at the Charlottesville march when his beard caught on fire. The philosopher — famous for his “I-Thou” characterization of his relationship with God — has described his relationship with Eddie as “decidedly I-It.” For more on the story that…
Just before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the National Library of Israel has unveiled a timely letter from its Martin Buber Archive. In 1965 Buber, just before his death, joined a group of Hebrew University professors in writing to President Lyndon B. Johnson to emphasize the importance of the end of King’s brief incarceration following…
Fifty years after his death in Jerusalem in 1965, Martin Buber, the Austrian-born Israeli Jewish philosopher has “left an ambiguous impression,” as Walter Benjamin wrote to Gershom Scholem in 1936 about Buber’s appearance at a French philosophical gathering. Buber’s “I and Thou” about human relationships to people and things, is famously cited in Martin Luther…
It used to be thought that the Second Commandment’s prohibition on making images meant there could not be a Jewish visual art. In his 1966 essay “Is There a Jewish Art?” art critic Harold Rosenberg grappled with the very question posed by his title. He didn’t think there was, because he didn’t think there was…
The Vienna-born Jewish philosopher Martin Buber (1878-1965) is best remembered by English readers for such texts as “Tales of the Hasidim,” “Between Man and Man,” and “I and Thou.” Yet German readers also relish Buber’s skill as a translator, notably in his mighty version of the Bible, in collaboration with the German Jewish theologian and…
אַלען זינגער איז אַ קינדער־דאָקטער וואָס האָט דורכגעפֿירט בריתן, מערסטנס פֿאַר רעפֿאָרם־ און קאָנסערוואַטיווע משפּחות
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