All the latest political posts and news about politics by the Forward Jewish News.
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Life Missing from Petraeus Affair’s Coverage
Something important has gone unnoticed amid the chatter about the titillating revelations of an affair between four star General David Petraeus (he of the name worthy of the leader of ancient Greece’s military forces, never mind the United States’) and his fawning biographer, Paula Broadwell. And that is the fact that there was a tremendous…
Life Politicians’ Non-Apology Apology
This is the fifth post in a Sisterhood series on women, apologizing and Yom Kippur. As we get closer to Yom Kippur and muse on atonement — what it means, what we should atone for — it’s worth probing the gendered nature of apologies. To begin with, it seems obvious that women in our society…
Life What’s With All the Teacher Hate?
The single year I was a public school teacher, green and fresh out of college, was unquestionably hard. Sure, I was typical for my demographic — naïve, a poor disciplinarian — but the nightmare arose from circumstances beyond my own inexperience: waking up at the crack of dawn to commute, dealing with ever-fluctuating administrative directives,…
Opinion Too Many Secrets
Back in April, Stephen Colbert told his television audience about a new tax-exempt group he had created, one which “never has to disclose its donors, because it is a quasi-charitable organization called a 501(c)4.” As his own lawyer explained on the show, it’s a social welfare organization that is supposed to further public policy goals…
Life ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comments Dangerously Immature
Perhaps it’s not shocking that Representative Todd Akin, the Republican Senate nominee from Missouri who’s backed by the Tea Party, opposes abortion even in the case of rape. More surprising is the backward and scrambling way he justifies his position. In an interview with a St. Louis television station, Mr. Akin presented a muddied “clarification”…
Life Yet Another White Guy in a Suit?
As soon as Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced Rep. Paul Ryan as his pick for vice president, critics pounced on the all-too-familiar spectacle of two white men in suits campaigning side by side. The stark contrast to 2008’s groundbreaking race — a black nominee! a female GOP veep nominee! — stood out to women’s…
Life The Orthodox Response to Mindy Meyer?
My mother is an Orthodox woman who was raised by Orthodox parents and married an Orthodox rabbi. She has also earned, thus far in her career, a bachelor’s degree and three postgraduate degrees. And while she has more degrees than the average Orthodox woman, she also has more degrees than the average American; as of…
Opinion ‘The Era of the So-Called Jewish Vote Is Over’
A new survey of New York’s Jews out today suggests the advent of a much more politically conservative Jewish community that could shift the balance of local New York politics. The study, conducted by the UJA Federation of New York, knocks down old conceptions of what it means to be a New York Jew. The…
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In Case You Missed It
Opinion JFK and Charles De Gaulle knew something Trump can’t fathom
Opinion To avoid a showdown with Vance and Trump, Zelenskyy should have channeled Netanyahu
Fast Forward Andrew Tate, ‘manosphere’ influencer now in Florida, promotes antisemitism alongside misogyny on his livestreams
Fast Forward Michelle Trachtenberg’s Jewish family reportedly declines autopsy for religious reasons
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