All the latest political posts and news about politics by the Forward Jewish News.
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News Embryonic Stem Cell Ruling Fallout
An article in today’s Forward explains why Jewish groups are up in arms about a judge’s injunction to federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. The judge’s ruling interpreted the Dickey-Wicker amendment—a law that prohibits federal funding of research that harms or destroys human embryos—to include all research involving embryonic stem cells, which are obtained…
News Too Much or Too Little Faith in Politics?
From Muslim imams to conservative rabbis and practically every faith in between, religion and religious leaders were front and center at the recent Republican and Democratic political conventions. Expect more of the same in the coming two months as Barack Obama and John McCain and their political parties court the religious vote. But is this…
Life Obama Plays the Purim Card
A week ago, Media Bistro’s TVNewser blog reported that the Clinton campaign may have objected to the possible scheduling of a debate on the first night of Passover (although the blog was tentative on this point, suggested other possible motives and issued an update that the holiday’s first night was only one of the nights…
Opinion The Sad Bad Story of Governor Spitzer
“I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family and that violates my — or any — sense of right and wrong,” Eliot Spitzer said. The obvious question is just why or how a highly intelligent man like Spitzer worked his way into such a situation. What follows is my own…
Opinion The Call of the Cold
The latest trend among tourists is the Arctic Circle. Why? The answer may perhaps be found in a quatrain we recall from childhood. Man’s a fool. When it’s hot he wants it cool. When it’s cool he wants it hot Always wanting what is not. This strange behavior is not hard to understand. Novelty, as…
Opinion Mid-Term Madness
In the last national election in 2006, the Democrats captured control of both houses of Congress. Their margin of victory, however, was insufficient to override a presidential veto that requires a two-thirds vote. Which means that the Republican Party really was still in control of legislation. Despite this, the present Congress did enact a raise…
Opinion Congress Cutting Special Interest Ties
For many years, lobbyists in Washington have had a free hand in the ways they employed to influence Congress. One of the most blatant was conveyed in a tactic called “bundling.” The lobbyist would solicit support for a candidate observing carefully the legal limits on how much an individual contributed. But, the lobbyist bundled the…
Opinion Big Push For Preschool Education
The United States has been a world pioneer in schooling for the people. It started in colonial days in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Every child was compelled to attend a school, starting at an early age. The reason was double: First, it was necessary to teach all children that humans were born in sin and…
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In Case You Missed It
Opinion In their Zelenskyy meeting, Trump and Vance laid waste to a cherished Yiddish value
Opinion JFK and Charles De Gaulle knew something Trump can’t fathom
Opinion To avoid a showdown with Vance and Trump, Zelenskyy should have channeled Netanyahu
Fast Forward Andrew Tate, ‘manosphere’ influencer now in Florida, promotes antisemitism alongside misogyny on his livestreams
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