Halevi is wrong. The fight to end the occupation and protect democracy are directly intertwined
It is impossible to separate the attacks on the judiciary from the government’s plans to annex the West Bank
It is impossible to separate the attacks on the judiciary from the government’s plans to annex the West Bank
Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor By Yossi Klein Halevi Harper, 224 pages $24.99 On the front of the postcard was a photograph of Jews praying at Jerusalem’s Western Wall; on the other side, a brief message: “Thank you for helping me find my way home,” it read, signed, “An American Israeli Jewish Friend.” The recipient…
The process of the dehumanization of Zionists — which in this context (and most contexts) is interchangeable with Jew — has been a long one in our current culture. It has existed as an idea within the ranks of the KKK since its early days and continues today in various corners of the political spectrum….
Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation By Yossi Klein Halevi HarperCollins Publishers, 608 pages, $35 Israel’s Six Day War, in 1967, was its greatest military victory, but in the end, a costly one. The territorial gains that resulted became both flash points for conflict and bargaining…
Havruta, a journal of the Shalom Hartman Institute, features a symposium on whether and how to criticize Israel in its February 2012 issue. It makes for interesting reading, with special shout-outs to Yossi Klein-Halevi’s thought-provoking letter to a right-wing friend and editor Stuart Schoffman’s delightful introduction. My own contribution is below. I would link directly…
דער מוזיק־פֿאָרשער זיסל סלעפּאָוויטש ברענגט צוריק לידער רעקאָרדירט אין הײַנטיקן בעלאַרוס און אוקראַיִנע אין די 1930ער יאָרן.
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