Send Us Your Forverts Memories!
This article originally appeared in the Yiddish Forverts.
When it was announced that the Forverts would cease its print edition after 122 years people began to post their memories of our newspaper on Facebook and Twitter.
Because of the spontaneous reaction, we decided to ask our readers to submit their written recollections of the Forverts in their own families.
If you have an anecdote to share, write a paragraph or two, in Yiddish or English, describing your or your family’s connection to the paper. You might, for instance, want to note who in your family read the Forverts and what topics he or she enjoyed reading about. Perhaps you or a loved one learned about an important event from the pages of the Forverts or discovered lost relatives thanks to an article? Or maybe you know someone who was interviewed for an article that appeared on our pages?
If so, submit it to [email protected] with the subject line “Forverts Memories.” Be sure to include the city and neighborhood where you were raised.
And if you would like to place an ad commemorating this historic occasion, send the text to [email protected], subject line “Forverts Ad.”
A message from our CEO & publisher Rachel Fishman Feddersen
I hope you appreciated this article. Before you move on, I wanted to ask you to support the Forward’s award-winning journalism during our High Holiday Monthly Donor Drive.
If you’ve turned to the Forward in the past 12 months to better understand the world around you, we hope you will support us with a gift now. Your support has a direct impact, giving us the resources we need to report from Israel and around the U.S., across college campuses, and wherever there is news of importance to American Jews.
Make a monthly or one-time gift and support Jewish journalism throughout 5785. The first six months of your monthly gift will be matched for twice the investment in independent Jewish journalism.
— Rukhl Schaechter, Yiddish Editor