Batya Ungar-Sargon is the former Opinion Editor at the Forward.
Batya Ungar-Sargon is the former Opinion Editor at the Forward.
Tamika Mallory. Marc Lamont Hill. Alice Walker. Angela Davis. Every week seems to bring with it another black leader running afoul of the Jewish community — and an angry, effective response. Mallory’s refusal to denounce the notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, a man she had previously praised, led Jewish activists to call for her to resign…
We’ve heard a lot about the anti-Semitic “dual loyalty” canard recently. The idea that Jews are more loyal to Israel and each other than they are to the country in which they live has been used to justify the mass murder of Jews since Pharaoh in the Bible. It’s something we’re sensitive about, and in…
The movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel, known as BDS, is in the news this week, thanks to a harrowing tale reported in The Intercept about a Muslim speech therapist in Austin, Texas named Bahia Amawi. Amawi was told she could no longer work in the Texas public school system unless she signed…
Last week, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu shocked Jews worldwide when his office revealed it would be working with Hungary on a museum dedicated to Holocaust revisionism. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the museum will be curated by a woman whose magazine targeted the Hungarian Jewish community’s president, András Heisler, in an anti-Semitic…
It’s no secret that American Jews and their Israeli counterparts have less in common with every passing day. But where you locate the source of that chasm depends on which side of the Atlantic you’re standing on. For American Jews, Israel’s dispossession of Palestinian civil rights, the monopoly of the ultra-Orthodox over religious matters, and…
President Trump’s two Hannukah addresses at the annual White House Hannukah Party included a number of moving tributes, one to a group of Holocaust survivors and a second to the Jews he calls family – Ivanka and Jared Kushner. He also issued a shocking insinuation that America was not the home of its Jewish citizens….
In a major scoop, The Intercept revealed on Monday that Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian to enter U.S. Congress, would be leading her own delegation to the West Bank, instead of taking the trip to Israel sponsored by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The AIPAC trip is something of a rite of passage for…
There are two Linda Sarsours. At least, that’s how it often seems to me. There’s the Linda who her Jewish allies know, a fearless woman fighting for the most vulnerable, powerful in her willingness to speak truth to power and constantly beset by horrific threats and disgusting insults, who wages war on those who seek…
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