Bethany Mandel is a contributing writer for Deseret News and is a home-schooling, stay-at-home mother of six. She is the co-author of “Stolen Youth” and an editor for the patriotic children’s book series “Heroes of Liberty.”
Bethany Mandel is a contributing writer for Deseret News and is a home-schooling, stay-at-home mother of six. She is the co-author of “Stolen Youth” and an editor for the patriotic children’s book series “Heroes of Liberty.”
On Tuesday this week, the Catholic Church was once again thrust into the limelight when a grand jury released a scathing report. The report documented horrific torture and sexual abuse of over 1,000 children at the hands of 300 priests in six of eight Pennsylvania dioceses. It also detailed the extreme extent the Church went…
I’m not, obviously, a Nazi. But you wouldn’t know that from my Twitter mentions. A year ago, I wrote a column for the Forward entitled, “We Need to Start Befriending Neo-Nazis.” Over the course of the year, the headline has been screenshot and tweeted by actors with millions of followers, influential progressives like cartoonist Eli…
Are Jewish 20-somethings entitled to a free trip to Israel? For decades, the donors behind Birthright Israel have gifted thousands of young Jews from around the world with 10-day immersive experiences in the Holy Land. The heritage and culture trips sometimes center around a particular theme, like Israeli food, Russian culture, or Israel’s LGBTQ commuity….
On Thursday, Haaretz published a 4,000 word interview with disgraced journalist and public speaker Ari Shavit. In 2016, Shavit was accused by four women of inappropriate sexual conduct and even sexual assault. The new interview is galling. It’s full of self-justifications and jargon meant to impress young women (its headline is “Ari Shavit: I Was…
One of my best friends growing up, Sarah, converted to Mormonism when we were in our late teens. Soon after her conversion, she married her high school sweetheart from one of the most prominent Mormon families in town. He exposed her to the Mormon community and theology, and soon she decided she wanted to build…
During the election, the deluge of hate that came my way when I expressed my disapproval of then-candidate Donald Trump was so violent that I purchased a gun. But these days, the vitriol is coming from the other side. Chance the Rapper, for example, was was eviscerated online for suggesting that “Black people don’t have…
Otto Warmbier died a year ago this month. As President Trump meets with North Korea’s leader, it remains to be seen if justice will be served for the Ohio college student. With the death of one of our own, American Jews can no longer claim ignorance of the atrocities taking place in North Korea. Monday,…
The day after the dedication of the embassy in Jerusalem, the cover of the New York Daily News featured a front page photo of Ivanka Trump with the caption “Daddy’s Little Ghoul: 55 slaughtered in Gaza, but Ivanka all smiles at embassy unveil.” The headline implied two things: first, that she was responsible for the…
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