David Hazony
By David Hazony
Culture But Is It Really About Lies?
Toledot Genesis 25:19–28:9 Do you remember when Ross Perot, in a debate against Al Gore back in the early 1990s, got flustered by something Gore said, maybe about NAFTA or Perot’s computer company, and at a certain point he started yelling out, “Now you’re lying!” “He’s lying!” Nobody could tell who was right at that…
Opinion The Death of Peoplehood
Recently I had an upsetting e-mail exchange with an old friend. A prominent, politically active Jewish conservative, he told me that he had long ago given up trying to convince American Jews on the left to support Israel. “I don’t really see them as family anymore,” he wrote. “I’ve found a new family, the American…
Opinion A Tale of Two Brothers
If you’ve felt embarrassed by Israel lately, what follows might really offend you. But first, a parable. Two brothers live on distant continents. Aaron, the elder, makes a good living as a corporate lawyer, finding fulfillment in his family and hobbies. Joshua, the younger, chose a much harder path as a novelist, chasing an artistic…
Opinion Giving Israel the Cold Shoulder
How did things get so bad between Israel and the United States? New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman puts all the blame on Israel. He cites the decision — announced by the Jerusalem District Planning Committee while Vice President Joseph Biden was in Israel — to build 1,600 housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood,…
Opinion Putting Our People’s Past on the Negotiating Table
Who owns the keys to the Jewish past? Last year, the Palestinian Authority made headlines by publicly claiming ownership of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the fragments of hundreds of ancient manuscripts discovered in the caves of Qumran in the West Bank between 1947 and 1956 and which have been in Israel’s possession since 1967. Now,…
Opinion Digging Up the Bible
With Jerusalem’s future forever a subject of contention, many who care passionately about the Golden City have missed the new debate that has emerged over its ancient past. A new cadre of Bible scholars and archaeologists, some with an overtly political agenda, has argued that the great Israelite kingdom, depicted in the books of Samuel,…
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Yiddish ווידעאָ: אַן אינטערוויו מיט גבֿריאל ווײַנרײַך, דער ברודער פֿונעם ייִדישן לינגוויסט אוריאל ווײַנרײַךVIDEO: An interview with Gabriel Weinreich, brother of the Yiddish linguist Uriel Weinreich
הגם גבֿריאל איז אויף דער עלטער געוואָרן אַ גלח, איז ער ביזן סוף פֿון זײַן לעבן געבליבן פֿליסיק אין ייִדיש.
Opinion The Germans have a word for what’s happening in Trump’s America
Film & TV How an intimate and sensitive film about a hostage family’s grief triumphed in Berlin
Culture Simply Barbra has been channeling Streisand for over 30 years
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