Lior Zaltzman was the Forward’s Digital Fellow. Follow her on twitter @liorca.
Lior Zaltzman was the Forward’s Digital Fellow. Follow her on twitter @liorca.
No, this isn’t a dementor, or a modern art installation. This isn’t even, as you are more likely to expect, a Muslim woman wearing a burqa. It was on a sweltering hot day, of 80 degree weather, that photographer Yakov Lederman saw this sight in Beit Shemesh — a Jewish woman and her two daughters, a…
Have you ever thought about making demands about your taxi driver’s ethnicity or religion? “Hello, car service, I’d like my driver white and Christian, please?” No, you would never. Because that would be, well, racist, right? Apparently, Cinema City — a movie theater complex in Jerusalem — was doing exactly that. For months. A bunch of…
Israel’s answer to , the quirky, sustainable ‘Midburn’ (a play on the Hebrew word for desert ‘midbar’), took place last week, despite conflicts with Israeli police, who threatened to cancel the event. For five days, thousands of Israelis lived in temporary structures, exchanged gifts, wore their shortest and most flamboyant clothes and partied in the…
We all know Jon Stewart has been an outspoken opponent of the Iraq war, I mean, , to see how fresh his disdain still is. But apparently, that hasn’t stopped him from being the mensch he is and giving back to our men and women in uniform. No, Jon Stewart isn’t just donating money, he…
It’s only been a day since President Obama launched the @POTUS twitter handle, and already Israeli government officials are using it as just another platform to help worsen their already fraught relationship with the current US government. Just look at the following tweet from a Netanyahu cabinet member: Ladies and gentlemen, meet Israel’s new minister…
After over three decades of making us laugh, David Letterman’s last show is upon us. We know that Letterman will always be the best at top 10 lists, but here is our humble Top 10 best Jewish guests on Letterman, through the years: 10) Number ten is an actual Top 10 Letterman list! Featuring our…
We talk a lot about men being allies to women, but this professor from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (HUJI), wins today’s prize for most hands-on ally. Sydney Engelberg who is 67 and originally from South Africa, has been working at HUJI for the past 45 years. Since he teaches graduate classes with older students,…
The Simpsons has introduced us to some pretty unique voices over the years. Who hasn’t tried to imitate the raspy and evil Mr. Burns? But as of this coming season, that iconic voice will no longer part of the show. Harry Shearer is leaving ‘The Simpsons’ after rejecting a $14 million offer. Season 27th and…
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