Zachary Braiterman teaches modern Jewish thought and culture in the Department of Religion at Syracuse University. He blogs at Jewishphilosophyplace.com
Zachary Braiterman teaches modern Jewish thought and culture in the Department of Religion at Syracuse University. He blogs at Jewishphilosophyplace.com
Once upon a time, anti-Zionist Jews vowed they’d stand up to anti-Semitism within their own ranks on the intersectional left. That claim is no longer credible. Unless it hits them straight in the face, it’s clear they are either not able or not willing to recognize anti-Semitism, at least when it’s coming from the left…
Jerusalem — Be careful what you wish for. The Jewish right in Israel and the United States are doing somersaults and handstands now that the United States has formally recognized “Jerusalem” to be the capital of the State of Israel. As with all things Donald, nothing good is going to come of it, not for…
Following events in Charlottesville, with Neo Nazis on the American street and President Trump’s abject defense of “Southern heritage,” there have been two types of response. One is from the anti-Zionist left. The other is from the Jewish right. But though the authors of these responses may believe themselves to be radically at odds, they…
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