White Supremacists Cheer Yair Netanyahu For Anti-Semitic Meme

The Israeli prime minister’s son won acclaim from American white supremacists after posting an anti-Semitic meme online.
White supremacist leader David Duke took to Twitter over the weekend to cheer Yair Netanyahu. “Welcome to the club, Yair – absolutely amazing,” Duke wrote, “wow, just wow.”
Welcome to the club, Yair – absolutely amazing, wow, just wow. pic.twitter.com/D3yMWhUIGa
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) September 10, 2017
In a post titled, “Netanyahu’s Son Posts Awesome Meme Blaming the Jews for Bringing Down his Jew Father,” the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer dubbed the younger Netanyahu a “total bro.”
The meme — posted by on Friday and since deleted — appeared to be an Israeli take on a classic anti-Semitic cartoon suggesting that Jews control the United States. But here, the meme got an Israeli send up, showing Benyamin Netanyahu’s political adversaries: billionaire philanthropist George Soros, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, activist Eldad Yaniv, and Meni Naftali, a former housekeeper for the Netanyahus who sued them.
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