Mixing Bowl: Borscht Ice Cream; Israeli Wines

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The most divine interpretation of a blintz we have ever heard of — Orange Ricotta Pillows With Lillet Kumquat Compote. [Food 52]
A great primer on single malt scotch. Just in time for Purim. [Serious Eats]
Borscht no longer comes just in a bowl. Here are some recommendations for beet and dill ice cream as well as a beet-horseradish pie.
Incase you missed Prince Charles’s seminal speech on healthy, sustainable farming last year, you can now read excerpts of it from his new book. [the Atlantic]
A humorous tale of Jewish Penicillin from the Forward’s new [Blognik Beat].
Some great Israeli wine suggestions. L’Chaim. Jerusalem Post
The iconic and ancient Yonah Schimmel’s Knishery on New York’s Lower East Side is struggling because of road work in front of the shop. [Grub Street]