WATCH: Matzo brei like Bubbe (or Zayde) used to make
Some have it sweet but this one is savory!
My Papa Max always made matzo brei for my sister and me when we visited my grandparents in Massachusetts at Passover. I’m pretty sure it was the only thing he ever cooked, and I remember how much he delighted in showing us how to make it — and in eating it with us. Sometimes he’d fry up little pieces of Hebrew National salami and mix it in with the eggs, and he always added lots of freshly cracked black pepper, because he loved his food spicy.
Papa Max would have strongly disapproved of the “herb”-infused version of the recipe (“potzo brei”) that we posted on Friday.
Fun as it is to offer irreverent twists on traditional dishes, it’s important to honor the classics too. Rukhl Schaechter, editor of the Yiddish Forverts, has done just that, with a short video demonstrating how to make classic matzo brei.
Passover classics: Matzo brei the way bubbe used to make it.
2 matzos
Hot water to soak the matzos
4 eggs
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil for frying
However you decide to make yours, we wish you a delicious holiday!
Liza Schoenfein is the food editor of the Forward. Contact her at [email protected] or on Twitter, @LifeDeathDinner
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