VIDEO: A Yiddish Newsroom During the Eventful Summer of ‘76
This article originally appeared in the Yiddish Forverts.
In the summer of 1976, against the backdrop of the dramatic Entebbe Operation, the Bicentennial celebrations on the Hudson River and the nomination of Jimmy Carter for President at the Democratic National Convention in New York, the Yiddish Forward, then located at its historic building in the lower East side, continued to provide its readers with the latest news in Yiddish, as well as essays and serialized novels by Isaac Bashevis Singer and other acclaimed writers.
In this video, Lillian Silver Weber, a daughter of then editor-in-chief Simon Weber, and Jewish historian Dr. David Fishman, who worked as a summer intern there that summer, present a portrait of the editor and the mood in the newsroom during that eventful summer.
The video is in Yiddish and English, and includes English subtitles.
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— Rukhl Schaechter, Yiddish Editor