Online course on how to write engaging articles and essays in Yiddish
Students will learn how to create headlines and opening paragraphs that can increase their audience
This fall the Workers Circle is offering a five-session Zoom course on on how to write a personal essay or news article in Yiddish.
In this interactive workshop, taught by the Yiddish editor of the Forward, Rukhl Schaechter, students will learn how to create engaging headlines and opening paragraphs that can increase their audience. They will also learn the following essential journalistic skills, including:
• How to maintain an engaging, informal tone in their writing
• Know what details to include and what to leave out
• How to use Google Docs to their advantage
For each topic, students will be encouraged to practice what they’ve learned and share what they came up with. Attention will be paid to common spelling and grammatical errors as well.
The course will be given every Tuesday from 2:00 – 3:30, beginning on Oct. 10.
To subscribe for the course, click here.
A message from our CEO & publisher Rachel Fishman Feddersen
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— Rukhl Schaechter, Yiddish Editor