Bernard Madoff, the Condiment

He’s been bad for the Jews and catastrophic for American capitalism, but perhaps Bernard Madoff might make a good condiment. The world’s most loathed alleged Ponzi schemer — reportedly responsible for losing $50 billion of investors’ money — has inspired a hot sauce in his very own name and image.
Bernie in Hell, a five-ounce bottle of Habanero-style hot sauce, can now be ordered online for $10 a container, and arrives labeled with the face of the con artist – adorned with flames and horns – and instructions urging consumers to “shakedown before using.”
New York City artist Alex Gardega writes on his Web site that he was inspired to create the product after watching a television report about a 75-year-old who lost his entire retirement savings in Madoff’s alleged fraud. At texasketchup, visitors can write in with their own tales of woe at the financier’s hands or purchase a bottle or more of hot sauce.
Filled with Habanero Hell! hot sauce, Bernie in Hell bottles challenge consumers with a question Madoff himself might currently be pondering: “You can take the money, but can you take the heat!?!”
A purchase of five bottles gets the buyer a sixth bottle free — an even better rate of return than the percentages promised by Madoff before his arrest.