J.J. Abrams Teamed Up With ‘Hamilton’ Creator for New ‘Star Wars’ Music

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Social media was all atwitter Tuesday after director J.J. Abrams revealed he teamed up with the creator of the Broadway hit “Hamilton” for music in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”
It was during an intermission at the musical that its creator Lin-Manuel Miranda approached the director and quipped: “Hey, if you need music for the cantina, I’ll write it.”
Abrams thought he was joking and when he asked if Miranda was serious, he responded: “I’ll drop everything!”
Abrams hired him on the spot.
“We’ve never discussed this before, so he might kill me,” Abrams told Jimmy Fallon Monday night on “The Tonight Show.”
The revelation led to some hilarious #Force4Ham mashups on Twitter.
Abrams also revealed:
That his family is not super impressed that he’s the director of “The Force Awakens.” The talk around the Thanksgiving table was very ‘meh’ about the whole thing.
He broke his L4 vertabra rescuing Harrison Ford when a hydraulic door closed on him during filming.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opens Dec. 18. That’s less than three weeks, fanboys and fangirls.
Whatever it is Jefferson started it. #Force4Ham pic.twitter.com/Y0shJmB4h1
— Kelly Lawler (@klawls) December 1, 2015
“Burr, you disgust me” “Ah, so you’ve discussed me” #Force4Ham pic.twitter.com/3CjtEGHMGA
— Hayes Brown (@HayesBrown) December 1, 2015