Watch Shaquille O’Neal Interview Mila Kunis About Christmas

While Jimmy Kimmel takes the week off for his son’s surgery, a slew of guest hosts will be taking his place. Seven foot tall former basketball player Shaquille O’Neal kicked off the week Monday evening with an adorably charming Mila Kunis interview.
Kunis is undeniably the more charismatic of the duo, inserting joke after joke to offset O’Neal’s awkwardness. But in the end, the contrast between the actress and the athlete, both physically and behaviorally, makes for decent entertainment as we wait for Kimmel to return.
Watch below as they discuss Christmas gifts (Kunis’ husband, Ashton Kutcher, celebrates the holiday), the Dodgers, and Kunis’ Halloween costume.
Becky Scott is the editor of The Schmooze. Follow her on Twitter, @arr_scott