That Time Billy Graham Argued About God — With Woody Allen

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You would be hard-pressed to find two men more different than Woody Allen and Billy Graham.
One is an extremely rich Jewish man. The other is an extremely rich Christian man.
One believes that you have to take the car for a test drive before buying it. The other believes that God outlawed premarital sex because of psychological trauma and venereal disease.
One married his adopted daughter. The other is never alone with any woman but his wife, a practice known as “The Billy Graham Rule” that many Christian men who definitely aren’t ruining our country, like Mike Pence, abide by religiously.
One is a target of feminist groups across America. The other believes that the domestic sphere is a woman’s true place.
One is a Jewish icon who has been accused of molesting his daughter. The other is a Christian icon who was once caught on tape agreeing with Richard Nixon that Jews control the American media.
Billy Graham passed away this morning at the age of 99. Let us celebrate his life by reuniting him once more with Woody Allen on the Internet.
Becky Scott is the editor of The Schmooze. Follow her on Twitter, @arr_scott