Trevor Noah Mocks Trump’s Response To Damning Federal Climate Report

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Trevor Noah bashed President Trump on the “Daily Show” for his lukewarm response to the explosive climate report that was released by thirteen federal agencies last week.
Trevor Noah (along with the rest of us with common sense) had assumed that the president would “finally come onboard” and attempt to rectify our dire climate condition, as it is evident that “man-made climate change is not only real but its effects are already here.” However, despite the concrete environmental peril that looms ahead, according to this National Climate Assessment, President Trump shrugged off the report, saying, “It’s “fine” and “No, I don’t believe it.”
Trevor Noah slammed the president’s nonchalance, saying, “You don’t believe it? How? ‘Fine’? How? How can one man possess all the stupidity of mankind?”
“It’s like they edited his genes to give him superhuman stupidity. The scientists in the lab were like, ‘Well, what should we give him, superhuman strength?’ ‘No, that’s dangerous to society, no, no, no. Let’s make him really stupid, what’s the worst that could happen?” Noah quipped. “The president of the United States is throwing away four years of scientific work which was supported by his own administration. The question is, what possible reason would thousands of scientists have to lie about climate change?”
The Jewish funnyman also mocked networks that are featuring those that have little to no scientific background, yet continue to denounce the climate change report: “Once you say ‘I’m not a scientist,’ why is anyone listening to your scientific opinion?”
Tamar Skydell is an intern at The Forward. You can contact her at [email protected]