A new Miep Gies show hails Anne Frank’s protector — but ignores the collaborators
Though the Gieses risked their life to save Jews, 'A Small Light' looks away from the many citizens who did nothing
Though the Gieses risked their life to save Jews, 'A Small Light' looks away from the many citizens who did nothing
It is the second known instance of this particular edition of the famous Holocaust book being swept up by conservatives seeking to purge schools of literature they deem inappropriate
Etty Hillesum, who died in Auschwitz in 1943, wrote frankly about her inner life and her love affairs
The untold and (mostly) happy story of Mouschi, who lived in the secret annex with the Franks and Van Daans on Broadway and throughout America
In Minnesota, Washington, Massachusetts and North Carolina, one story continues to exert a pull over the people who tell it
In Playing Anne Frank , Adam Langer shows the many reverberations of Anne Frank's story in history and culture
Before the 1959 film, Millie Perkins was an 18-year-old model who had never really thought about acting
In 1958, the Pulitzer Prize-winning play sought out new audiences where Jewish stories were rare
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