American journalists need to start fact-checking Netanyahu in real time
Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly distorts the truth to English-language media without repercussions
Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly distorts the truth to English-language media without repercussions
Last month, the Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson announced that he would be launching a new social media hub called Thinkspot. Peterson described the site, which he has said will go live in August, as a kind of “anti-censorship platform” that will operate as an alternative to crowdfunding services like Patreon and other outlets including YouTube…
To the Forward: Last week Ari Feldman interviewed me for “Is Jordan Peterson Enabling Jew Hatred?” When Feldman contacted me, I explicitly told him that I had never read Peterson’s work and knew very little about him. Throughout the interview, I repeated that point and refused to offer any assessment of the work itself because…
Jordan Peterson and unlikely cult figure in the anti-“political correctness” counterculture on the Internet, has been the subject of much discussion lately—including harsh critiques accusing him of authoritarian tendencies. But probably none have generated as much controversy and backlash as the Forward piece by Ari Feldman with the incendiary title, “Is Jordan Peterson Fueling Jew…
Editor’s Note, May 14, 1:08 p.m.: The original version of this article featured an illustration juxtaposing Jordan Peterson’s image with that of Hitler. In the eyes of many, the art equated Peterson and Hitler, which was not our intent. We were trying to convey Peterson’s intellectual interest in the phenomena of Hitler and the Holocaust….