Why indie cinemas are embracing ‘No Other Land’ — even as US distributors are staying away
Though ‘No Other Land’ has been ignored by mainstream distributors, small cinemas in the US say that screening it has been a no-brainer
Though ‘No Other Land’ has been ignored by mainstream distributors, small cinemas in the US say that screening it has been a no-brainer
City officials point to an industrial-size coffee urn and other evidence to show that a group of Jews is violating its zoning code
When Clarita Kassin and her family fled the violence and kidnappings in their native Colombia in the late 70’s to settle in Miami, she wanted to recreate the close-knit Jewish community she left behind in Bogota. “As Colombian Jews we wanted to form a social club,” Kassin said. “But my late husband Roberto said why…
The Lubavitch Educational Center, a set of schools in South Florida teaching toddlers and Talmud scholars alike, nearly went out of business in 2013. Past due on an $8 million loan, the center was facing foreclosure on three properties, including its main campus, an 84,020-square-foot behemoth on seven acres. A company made up of the…
MIAMI (JTA) — One candidate for governor is a former congresswoman and the daughter of a former governor and U.S. senator. Another candidate is a mayor who grew up in a blue collar African-American family. A third political newcomer is a Harvard graduate who builds affordable housing. Florida has been known as a place where…
Miami Beach mayor Philip Levine isn’t shy about his gubernatorial ambitions. Nor has he made a secret of his passion for animal rights, specifically those of the Orca whale Lolita from the city’s Seaquarium. But is Levine using his call to free Lolita to leverage a quick political boost? Politico reported that Levine intends to…
(JTA) — A homeless man has been arrested for scratching swastikas into several cars in a Jewish neighborhood in Miami Beach. The swastikas were found keyed on the cars on Feb. 26, including on a car owned by a non-Jewish family. Timothy Merriam, 61, was arrested Tuesday and will be charged with criminal mischief. Police…
And the Miami murder money plot thickens. Relatives of slain hotel scion Ben Novack Jr. plan to challenge the validity of a will that left his estimated $10 million fortune to his wife, Narcy Novack, on the grounds that she intimidated him into signing the document. Mark Hanson, a lawyer representing Ben Novack Jr.’s aunt…
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