Welcome to the Forward’s coverage of the Yiddish language historically spoken by Ashkenazi Jews in Europe and still spoken by many Hasidic Jews today.
For more stories on Yiddishkeit, see Forverts in English, and for stories written in…
Welcome to the Forward’s coverage of the Yiddish language historically spoken by Ashkenazi Jews in Europe and still spoken by many Hasidic Jews today.
For more stories on Yiddishkeit, see Forverts in English, and for stories written in…
Google and Moscow’s main Jewish Museum launched a virtual exhibition on Russian Jewish theater. The project was launched last week on a dedicated, English-language website that is part of Google’s Milestones in History series and is accessible online worldwide. The Internet giant set up the exhibition conjointly with Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, according…
On a recent Friday evening, I was sitting in Manhattan’s Castillo Theatre, on West 42nd Street, waiting to see a production of Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot.” As the house lights went down, and the stage lights went up, the play’s minimalist set came into view: a low mound and a bare tree that looked…
A version of this post appeared in Yiddish here. When Dov Noy would lecture, often without notes, he would look upwards and seemingly draw his inspiration from the upper spheres. But Noy, who was expert in the folklore of numerous Jewish “tribes,” including Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Middle Eastern Jews, developed his profound knowledge from earthbound…
“I was told not to worry” Shane Baker, translator from English into Yiddish of Nobelist Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot” confided post opening night of the New Jewish Rep and Castillo Theatre’s world premiere of “Vartn Af Godot.” “‘Godot in Yiddish? I barely understand it in English!’” Shane recalled a friend’s reaction. “Don’t worry, it…
1913 •100 years ago Synagogue Gallery Collapses Dozens of people were wounded when the women’s gallery in a New york synagogue on 106th Street between Park and Madison avenues suddenly collapsed and fell onto the seats below. Though it was the second day of Rosh Hashanah, the collapse occurred early enough, around 9 a.m., that…
1913 •100 years ago The Death of Elyokem Tsunzer One of the world’s most beloved Yiddish poets, Elyokem Tsunzer, has died at the age of 77. Renowned for his folksy poems, many of which were set to music and sung by millions of Jews, Tsunzer passed after laying ill for two weeks. On his deathbed,…
The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research has appointed Stanford University Jewish history scholar Steven Zipperstein as its first Jacob Kronhill visiting scholar, according to a press release issued today. Zipperstein is a professor in Jewish culture and history at Stanford University. “We are delighted that Steven Zipperstein has accepted the position as our first Kronhill…
Vocal pyrotechnics by Berlin-based sexy vocalist Sveta Kundish thrilled the audience at the September 9 launch of the “Festival for Yiddish Song” at the Center for Jewish History. One can compare the evening to a musical response to the query posed by Samuel Kassow in his 2007 award-winning tome “Who Will Write Our History?’ New…
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