נעמט זיך צום נײַסטן קעסטל־רעטעניש, דעם 18טן יוני 2021Get working on our latest Forverts crossword puzzle – June 18, 2021
צווישן די שליסלען: ווערטער פֿאַרבונדן מיט פּלאַנעטן, נעמען און קאָלירן.
דאָס נײַסטע רעטעניש, וואָס געפֿינט זיך דאָ, נעמט אַרײַן ווערטער פֿאַרבונדן מיט פּלאַנעטן, נעמען און קאָלירן.
A message from Forverts editor Rukhl Schaechter
I hope you appreciated this article. Before you move on, I wanted to ask you to support the Forverts' 127-year legacy — and its bright future.
In the past, the goal of the Forverts was to Americanize its readers, to encourage them to learn English well and to acculturate to American society. Today, our goal is the reverse: to acquaint readers — especially those with Eastern European roots — with their Jewish cultural heritage, through the Yiddish language, literature, recipes and songs.
Our daily Yiddish content brings you new and creative ways to engage with this vibrant, living language, including Yiddish Wordle, Word of the Day videos, Yiddish cooking demos, new music, poetry and so much more.
— Rukhl Schaechter, Yiddish Editor