Hear classic Yiddish writers read their works, accompanied by translations
An audio recording of 12 Yiddish writers reading their works, accompanied by English translations, is now available.
The recording can be ordered either as a digital download or as two CDs (or both), and comes with a book that includes the readings in Yiddish and in English, as well as a biography of each writer in Yiddish and English and notes on each story or poem.
The recording and the book, called “The Golden Peacock: The Voice of the Yiddish Writer”, was compiled by Yiddish instructor and author of several Yiddish textbooks, Sheva Zucker.
The recording includes stories and poem read by their authors Yankev Glatshteyn, Celia Dropkin, Elie Wiesel, Aron Glanz-Leyeles, H. Leivick, Kadya Molodowsky, Itzik Manger, Avrom Sutzkever, Rokhl Korn, Sholem-Aleichem, Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, and Yekhiel Shraibman.
The English translations are read by Sheva Zucker and Trudie Kessler, Professor Emeritus of Voice and Acting at the Theatre School/DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois.
To order the recording and book, click here.
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