Eli Roth’s Octopus Encounter

Eli Roth Image by Getty Images
Eli Roth should just stay away from the ocean.
In 2010, the famed gore director almost died after he was stung over 200 times on his feet and palms by a sea urchin, while kayaking off the coast of Mexico. Rather than learning his lesson and sticking to the pool, Roth has reportedly suffered another sea-related injury: a octopus bite.
The producer of the newly released Netflix series, “Hemlock Grove,” was reportedly jet skiing when curiosity got the better of him — really, Eli, really? — and he reached out to touch a baby octopus. The eight-legged sea creature responded by biting his pinky finger. Roth told TMZ that his finger bled profusely for hours, and has to keep the wound covered until it heals.
Am I the only one that sees the horror movie potential for this? “Octo-gore,” perhaps?