Amy Schumer Says Royal Wedding Will Probably ‘Suck’

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The royal wedding promises giant hats, fancy carriages, huge crowds, and elegant outfits. But will it be fun? Amy Schumer says definitely not.
As reported by Yahoo News, comedian Amy Schumer went on Australian radio show “Fitzy and Wippa,” and talked sympathetically about how the royal wedding is “going to suck” for royal bride-to-be Meghan Markle.
Amy Schumer recently married husband Chris Fischer in an informal ceremony on the beach, officiated by comedian John Early in drag as character Vicki from the Netflix show “Characters.”

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Amy Schumer’s wedding does sound like a fun time. She says all of her friends were “drunk and high at my wedding” and it was about her, her husband, and her friends. In short, the opposite of what Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding will be on Saturday.
Markle will be “meeting foreign dignitaries she’s never met before. It’s so much pressure!” says Schumer, who sounds incredibly relieved she was able to have a low-key wedding.

When we tune in to watch the “pomp and circumstance” of the royal wedding of two people we will never meet, it will be easy to get swept up in the fancy dresses, crowns, and horse-drawn carriages.
But let Amy Schumer’s reminder of the royal wedding’s rigidity and public scrutiny make us appreciate that the media will likely never speculate whether our parents are coming to our weddings.
Lisa Yelsey is the Schmooze intern. You can find her on Instagram @Lisa.H.Y or at [email protected].