Real Housewife Siggy Flicker: ‘I Will Bring Peace To The Middle East!’

Siggy Flicker raises a fist. Image by Getty Images
Siggy Flicker, the Israeli-born matchmaker and entrepreneur, has long been our favorite Real Housewife due to her pathological inability to stop bringing up the Holocaust. We’re serious — Flicker, daughter of Holocaust survivor and renowned scholar Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, likes to make damn sure that “never forget” means never, even when she’s on Bravo, and we’re grateful for it.
This, the ultimate quality a Diaspora Jew can possess, would be more than enough to ingratiate her to us forever. But on Thursday, Flicker, who is being honored by the right-leaning Jewish publication Algemeiner, announced her intentions to “bring peace to the Middle East” on Instagram.
In a post referencing the upcoming honor, Flicker wrote, “My goal is simple. I will bring PEACE to the Middle East.” She continued, “We are living in a time of FALSE NARRATIVES & FAKE NEWS which is why I urge everyone to educate themselves. Knowledge is Power. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East!”
The Schmooze is of two minds about this: We love to see a confident Jewish woman leaning in to fix the world’s problems with the confidence of a Christian man and the hair of a L’oreal model. On the other hand, no one loves Israel more than the Schmooze, and loving Israel means thinking critically about how to make it the best country it can be, not claiming that your handful of positive facts about the Jewish state are a full, fair narrative.
On our third vestigial hand, we love the idea of Jared Kushner sweating it out in the White House, fretting over whether a Real Housewife will beat him to solving the Middle East crisis.
Listen, if anyone can bring peace to a land torn by conflict, maybe it is a relationship expert and matchmaker. In the post, Flicker writes, “The 1st step to do this is to let people have a voice, not live in fear & live their authentic selves!” Not bad advice.
Jenny Singer is the deputy lifestyle editor for the Forward. You can reach her at [email protected] or on Twitter @jeanvaljenny