This would be the only national park telling the story of a Jewish American
An effort is underway to honor the Rosenwald schools, created by a son of German Jews to serve rural Black communities
An effort is underway to honor the Rosenwald schools, created by a son of German Jews to serve rural Black communities
David O. Russell's pseudo-history lesson downplays the effort needed to fight white supremacy
Shahanna McKinney-Baldon channels Madame Goldye Steiner
Chopped & Served sets up catering shop at corner known throughout the world
And here's why it’s time for supremacists and their sympathizers to surrender
In a new short film, a white Jew and a Black gentile go head-to-head for the role of the Jewish teenager, opening questions of race and casting.
At the Belle Meade plantation in Nashville, Tenn., you can partake in a wine tasting of Gentleman’s Red or Lady’s Cuvée. You can play a round of cornhole. And at its Coop N’ Scoop ice cream shop, you have a choice of strawberry, chocolate or their newest flavor — Krazy Kookie Dough. But here’s a…
Read this article in Yiddish. Musician and music archivist Hank Sapoznik has announced that he has raised enough money from private donations to put up a gravestone for the remarkable African-American cantor, Thomas LaRue Jones. The in-person unveiling ceremony will take place on Sunday, August 29th, at 11:00 am, 67 years after Jones’ death,…
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