The crucial Jewish ingredient that you probably don’t think of as a Jewish ingredient
Want to make shakshuka, matzo brei or avgolemono? You're going to need some eggs
Want to make shakshuka, matzo brei or avgolemono? You're going to need some eggs
The surprising story of Holocaust survivors in rural New Jersey
Passover is a holiday that mixes celebration with mourning. And when Jewish food’s pre-eminent authority, Joan Nathan, sits down at the Seder table this year, she will be both celebrating and mourning in more ways than one. April marks the release of Nathan’s 12th cookbook, “King Solomon’s Table: A Culinary Exploration Of Jewish Food Around…
When making Kosher-for-Passover dishes like Shakshuka, keep animal welfare in mind. For ten days, I consumed all the shakshuka my heart desired. During a Birthright trip in Israel, in addition to hiking, sightseeing and making many new friends, I developed a love for this delicious Middle Eastern dish. When I returned home, I decided to…
An Israeli hospital accidentally implanted one woman with an embryo belonging to another, the hospital said January 27. The two women were both receiving fertility treatments at the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon, when a failure to follow procedure led to the incident. The error was realized soon after it was made, with both women…
Thinkstock I recently received an email that contained a simple request. Write down my favorite recipe, I was told, and email it to the person at the top of the list. Then delete that person’s name, add my own email address to the bottom of the list, and send the resulting request-for-recipes to 25 friends….
I was making my Passover shopping list the other day when it all came back to me. Eggs! Pesach is about eggs. I had five dozen on my list, and the thought of all those eggs brought back my Passover memories. Of course, eggs are a symbol of spring, for Christians who color them, roll…
Charges against Julie Bass, an orthodox woman, who was facing charges from her local government for planting an organic vegetable garden in her front yard, have been dropped says Eater. Last week’s announcement of changes in living standards for egg-laying hens has “raised more questions than it answered,” says Mark Bittman. The Jewish classic, cow’s…