Chana Pollack is the Forward’s archivist. Contact her at [email protected].
Chana Pollack is the Forward’s archivist. Contact her at [email protected].
It’s hard to imagine the legendary literary critic Harold Bloom, who died Monday at the age of 89, as a young man. This was largely by design. Bloom playfully projected the aura of a musty, Falstaffian ancient. But, before he became an expert on the English canon, his first language was Yiddish, and like many…
Sukkot, or shall we call it sukes: that’s the holiday with those DIY huts reminiscent of our wandering through the desert. It’s got a touch of glamping, festive hosting, sweet foods and upbeat singing, even mystical guests called Ushpizin. Traditionally, these guests are ancient, and all male: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David….
Crowds piled in to Washington Square Park in New York City’s shtetl of Greenwich Village Monday night to hear Senator Elizabeth Warren’s plan to set this country on a more just path. In outlining some of her anti-corruption ideals, listeners found the presidential candidate framing her contemporary governance wish-list within a historic context: The Triangle…
Unlike for the rest of the world, summer is when Jews mourn — the destruction of our last ancient Temple, our subsequent diaspora, and our most recent devastating near-ruin. It is also the season when African Americans commemorate the Juneteenth anniversary of their freedom on these shores — and slavery’s catastrophic legacy. There’s a place…
In the 1930s, a Jewish woman fell in love — with a Hitler sympathizer. Helga Steinfeld first appeared in the pages of the Forward for her outrageous decision to marry Rolf Von Reitzenstein-Steinach, a German noble, spy and Nazi sympathizer. Indeed, love can make us do crazy things. The two were together six years, and…
To speak of the quotidian in Yiddish we use the term yedes montik un donershtik, meaning literally, every Monday and Thursday. Arlene Bronstein took the folksy saying and wore a new groove in it; she spent the last nine years of her montik un donershtiks here at the Forward cataloguing photos, researching queries and generally…
Whether you're looking for information Yiddish or English, here's what the Forward archive can help with
The following article was published on September 8, 1955 — a little more than a week after the murder of Emmett Till. 50 Thousand Chicago Negroes Come View Corpse of Murdered Boy Chicago, Sept. 8–Relatives of 14-year old Negro boy Emmet Till, murdered by two White men on a farm in Mississippi, today told of…
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