Chana Pollack is the Forward’s archivist. Contact her at [email protected].
Chana Pollack is the Forward’s archivist. Contact her at [email protected].
Nazi forces in the Soviet Union committed the Babi Yar massacre 75 years ago, over two days, on September 28 and 29. But like most of the world’s news media, the Forverts published news of the Babi Yar massacre only in 1943, when Kiev, the neighboring city, was liberated by the Red Army. A feature…
Welcome to Throwback Thursday, a weekly photo feature in which we sift 116 years of Forward history to find snapshots of women’s lives. It’s unusual for a staffer in the back offices of a newspaper, amidst the glories of the type of fame suitably bestowed on the editorial staff, is also deemed worthy of recognition…
Welcome to Throwback Thursday, a weekly photo feature in which we sift 116 years of Forward history to find snapshots of women’s lives. In the November 1960 Friday issue of the Forverts, a mere few days before Kennedy was elected President, this striking side profile image of Naomi Newman was published in the festive Theatre…
Welcome to Throwback Thursday, a weekly photo feature in which we sift 116 years of Forward history to find snapshots of women’s lives. Standing out in a series of photographs in our archive depicting the artwork of painter Alexandra Pregel (1907-1984), published in the Forverts in 1948, is a striking portrait of an elderly woman…
Welcome to Throwback Thursday, a weekly photo feature in which we sift 116 years of Forward history to find snapshots of women’s lives. When Henrietta Shapira attended Joel Entin’s ‘Progressive Dramatic Club,’ whose acclaimed members included beloved acting teacher Lee Strassberg, not only did her acting career change—but her romantic life as well. It was…
Welcome to Throwback Thursday, a weekly photo feature in which we sift 116 years of Forward history to find snapshots of women’s lives. From 1915 until 1930, Esther Grosshandler Friedman of the Bronx helped usher in the modern era in local politics when she presented herself as candidate for the Socialist Party’s representative in New…
Welcome to Throwback Thursday, a weekly photo feature in which we sift 116 years of Forward history to find snapshots of women’s lives. Daughter of Jacob P. Adler, founder of American Yiddish theatre and scion of his own dynasty of thespians, Frances Adler acted in both Yiddish and English for over five decades —frequently appearing…
Welcome to Throwback Thursday, a weekly photo feature in which we sift 116 years of Forward history to find snapshots of women’s lives. Yiddishland the world over celebrates poet Rivke Basman Ben-Haim’s upcoming 90th birthday next week at Tel Aviv’s Leyvik House. Arriving in the newly founded state having survived the agonies of Kaiserwald and…
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