Lana Adler
By Lana Adler
Opinion By Boycotting Gay Pride, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat Is Endorsing Hate
One day before Jerusalem’s gay pride parade and one year after the murder of 16-year-old Shira Banki by an ultra-Orthodox homophobe, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat has announced that he will not attend the parade. His stated reason: not wanting to “be part of something that offends the ultra-Orthodox.” Barkat, give me a break. You must…
Opinion Donald Trump’s Silence on Anti-Semitic RNC Livestream Chat Speaks Louder Than Words
Unless you’re in the fortunate position of living under a rock, you’ve heard by now about the seemingly endless parade of offensive acts that defined the first days of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. From Congressman Steve King’s blatant white supremacy to Melania Trump’s blatant rip-off of a 2008 Michelle Obama speech to the…
Opinion 10 Troubling Things About the GOP Platform (Unless You’re a Straight White Christian Male)
Remember that thing where the Republicans lost the presidency in 2012 and Republican National Convention Chairman Reince Priebus was all about giving the GOP a makeover to appeal to the youth, minorities, non-Christians, women and more progressive-leaning voters? Yeah, that never happened. And the GOP’s recently released 2016 platform is the most conservative, anti-progressive thing…
Life This Bumper Sticker Is the Perfect Example of Anti-Hillary Sexism
Sometimes, cultural misogyny is subtle: tone policing, mansplaining, implicit bias about gender stereotypes. Sometimes, it is not. Sometimes, it comes in the form of a bumper sticker using a sexist pejorative to equate the presumptive Democratic candidate for presidency with a female dog. I’m talking about the above bumper sticker, and ones like it. Anyone…
Opinion Ask How Theresa May Will Relate to Britain’s Jews — Not Israel
It’s official: Theresa May has been confirmed as Britain’s next prime minister in the wake of David Cameron’s departure. Already the think pieces are pouring in, offering opinions and predictions about the woman who will lead the U.K. into its post-Brexit reality. In the Jewish press, per tradition, these pieces are focusing largely on what…
Opinion No, Bernie Sanders Did Not Sell Out by Endorsing Hillary Clinton — Just the Opposite
Did Bernie Sanders sell out by endorsing Hillary Clinton? Some of his more ardent followers seem to think so. They’ve accused him of compromising his values, of going back on what he claimed to believe in, and of throwing his lot in with the enemy. But an ancient rabbinic distinction between different types of arguments…
Life Ivanka Trump as First Jewish Veep? No Thanks.
With four months to go until Election Day, thoughtful people on both sides of the political aisle are desperately searching for a silver lining in this epically grim election cycle cloud. For some, that silver lining is the rumor percolating around the Internet that Donald Trump might make his daughter Ivanka his VP. CNN reported…
Opinion 6 Concrete Things You Can Do To Help End Police Brutality
Two men who were alive on Monday are dead. Two men who were alive on Monday are dead, and they are dead because officers participating in a systemically broken police establishment encountered them as black men and made the decision to take their lives. The deaths of Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile join the ongoing,…
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Yiddish דער באַליבטער רעדאַקטאָר און שרײַבער ישׂראל רודניצקי איז אַוועק The well-liked editor and writer Yisroel Rudnitsky has died
ער איז געווען צווישן די לעצטע מיזרח־אייראָפּעיִשע ייִדן וואָס האָט בײַגעטראָגן צו דער ייִדיש־קולטור אין מדינת־ישׂראל.
Opinion As Trump targets Zelenskyy, a frightening reminder of taxes Nazis and Romans levied on Jews
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