Molly Boigon is an investigative reporter at the Forward. Contact her at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @MollyBoigon.
Molly Boigon is an investigative reporter at the Forward. Contact her at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @MollyBoigon.
Brooklyn’s biggest hospital has made concessions to the Orthodox community in its neighborhood by allowing for broader and longer use of ventilators amid the coronavirus crisis, in contrast with other New York City hospitals who might increasingly need to start deciding who gets a ventilator and who doesn’t due to the combination of more patients…
An Orthodox funeral home in Brooklyn, where a video shows nine shrouded bodies stacked on the floor, is so overwhelmed that on Tuesday it called for volunteers with minivans and SUVs to ferry the dead to cemeteries for burial. In a message circulated via What’s App, Menachem A. Bloom, who works at the funeral home,…
The Anti-Defamation League has released a list of tips to prevent “Zoombombing,” a tactic white supremacists and internet trolls are using to hack video conferences and project pornographic, racist and anti-Semitic imagery. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, people are relying more heavily on online video conferencing software like Zoom, which has created new opportunities for…
Cindy Goldberg, a school board president, was waiting for a virtual meeting to begin on Zoom Tuesday night when hackers started posting cartoon images of Hitler, photos of Nazi soldiers and swastikas to parents, board members and other staff for the school district sandwiched between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. “Awful doesn’t begin to touch…
Bryan Leib got the dreaded call last week. His employer, the Jewish nonprofit Americans Against Antisemitism, was laying him off due to uncertainty caused by coronavirus. “We’re not a large nonprofit, and we found ourselves having to make tough decisions,” said Leib. “The last thing people are thinking about, I think, is giving to a…
Rabbi Charles Rudansky is a hospice chaplain who serves dying patients and their families. He also conducts funerals. Coronavirus is shaping the experience of all of his patients, and all of their families — both before they die, and afterwards — even though not one of them has died of coronavirus yet. May their memories…
As President Donald Trump faces mounting pressure to use the Defense Production Act to make private industry manufacture supplies like masks for healthcare workers and ventilators for patients, one voice has risen above the rest in a call for action against coronavirus: Hillel the Elder. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took to Twitter Tuesday to…
One of the many injustices of the coronavirus outbreak is the fact that I have spent my entire working life rejecting donuts and cake and cookies in the break-room at my offices during Passover — and now, the first Pesach for which I work at the Forward, I am home socially distancing. For all of…
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