Elissa Strauss has written for the Forward over a number of years. She is a regular contributor to CNN, whose work has been published in a number of publications including The New York Times, Glamour, ELLE, and Longreads.
Elissa Strauss has written for the Forward over a number of years. She is a regular contributor to CNN, whose work has been published in a number of publications including The New York Times, Glamour, ELLE, and Longreads.
A new study just came out saying that a growing number of girls as young as 6 want to be considered sexy. It found that media consumption on its own didn’t influence girls, but watching a lot of TV and movies and having a mom who is concerned with being sexy can cause young girls…
First things first, it is none of your business, America, how long Yahoo’s new CEO Marissa Mayer plans to take off for maternity leave. (Mayer told Fortune that her leave would be “a few weeks long, and [she’ll] work throughout it.”) So enough with the opinion polls and endless commentating. Really, lay off. Now that…
Come summer, newspapers and blogs are populated with book suggestions for reading under the sun. Unfortunately, though, the recommendations tend to skew a little light, and have little to offer the thinking gal. So we at The Sisterhood put together our own list of beach reads — a selection of titillating summer reads, new and…
When I heard that it was Title IX’s 40th anniversary, my first thought was that it would best be commemorated by some great female athlete who could rhapsodize about her experience breaking the, er, net ceiling. But then I realized that while this landmark legislation, which guaranteed women equal access to athletic and academic opportunities…
One of the threads of the heated discussion surrounding Anne-Marie Slaughter?s new Atlantic article, ?Why Women Still Can?t Have It All,? is whether feminists should rid themselves of the phrase ?having it all.? Rebecca Traister at Salon writes: Here is what is wrong, what has always been wrong, with equating feminist success with ?having it…
A Charlie Sheen comeback? Argh! For me, year 2092 would be too soon. Admittedly, I never much admired him for his acting chops, nor can I say I found the good ol’ boys dynamic of “Two and Half Men” very funny. But even if he had the charm of a Paul Rudd mixed with the…
Moms are everywhere these days: The Tigers, The French, The Sling Aficionados and Ecological Purists. It seems like there is nothing as endlessly fascinating or controversial as the decisions women make about raising their kids. I wish — wish! — I could have written “men and women make” in the last sentence, but mums the word…
So it seems like if the much-hyped new HBO show “Girls” was really tapped into the zeitgeist it would be about a feisty foursome of best friends — made up of mothers and daughters. Yep, move over old college roommates and next-door neighbors, the growing bond between mothers and daughters is the latest and greatest…
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