Eat, Drink & Think is your daily destination for recipes, restaurant news, holiday menus and great food journalism — all through a Jewish lens. From the traditional to the cutting edge, we explore the worldwide Jewish culinary landscape and bring…
How To Spend A Holiday Meal Alone (And Like It!)
For some singles, there are about a hundred days of the year when they must plan a place to go for Shabbat or holidays, and who they are eating with. Sometimes, the sheer multitude of holidays necessitates eating alone. Some tolerate it. But others have learned to enjoy it. Anita Lo, of the cookbook “Solo:…
How To Cook The Ottolenghi Way
“One person’s idea of cooking simply is the next person’s culinary nightmare.” This according to Yotam Ottolenghi, the Israeli-born, London-based chef and cookbook author whose vegetable-and-spice-forward recipes — in popular books including “Plenty” and “Jerusalem” — are widely considered to be as delicious as they are complicated. What, then, does Ottolenghi know from cooking simply?…
Fried Harissa Chicken Wings For Hanukkah
Fried Harissa Chicken Wings Yields about 30 pieces Canola oil for frying 3 pounds chicken wings, split at joint, tips removed 8 ounces harissa (mild or spicy) 4 ounces olive oil 2 tablespoons honey In a large, wide pot, heat canola oil (enough to come up 1½ to 2 inches) to about 375˚ F. Pat…
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Yotam Ottolenghi Gets A Shout Out In New Rap Track
In British rapper Loyle Carner’s smooth new track, named after Israeli-British chef Yotam Ottolenghi, the chef gets a shoutout. “They ask about the bible I was reading,” Carner raps. “Told them the title was misleading labelled it Jerusalem but really it’s for cooking Middle Eastern.” He was referring to Ottolenghi’s kitchen classic, “Jerusalem,” one of…
Recipes A Jew-ish Thanksgiving menu
Kasha, challah and bagels are all part of this traditionally non-traditional programming
Disney World’s New ‘Jewish Food Booth’ Is A Shallow Caricature Of Jewish Cuisine
Ever wonder what a Disney Hanukkah movie might look like — a take-off of the usual Christmas movie? Minnie Mouse is in the kitchen making latkes, symbolizing the miracle of the menorah’s oil remaining lit for eight days straight. Mickey and Goofy spin a dreidel, each hoping to win a stash of chocolate gelt. Goofy…
The Future Of Barbecue Involves Cholent — And Men Only
At the 12th annual Food Film Festival, Jewish food took center stage. In a room filled with people who paid top-dollar for a movie experience that ignited all their senses, along with brisket, arrosticini, and monkfish tail — cholent was on the menu. “What is this choo-lent?” asked George Motz, festival founder, to raucous audience…
In This Vegan Cleanse, The Only Thing You Can Eat Is Soup
The package arrives, and it’s bigger than I expected. Ripping the inside of it open reveals 20 soups cradled in a bed of ice packs. They’re colorful, and the marketing declares it ‘Fresh, Wholesome, Plant-Based Goodness, Generously Crafted By A Mother-Daughter Duo.’ It’s appealing, I have to admit. It’s all part of the Soupergirl soup…
Empowering Israeli Women To Monetize Their Cooking Skills
Jewish food is about a whole lot more than just bagels and lox. It’s Bukharian peraskhi, it’s Ethiopian injera, and it’s Moroccan stew. And on a recent chilly weekend in the Queens Bukharian Jewish Center, the non-profit Women Cook, along with Council Member Karen Koslowitz, tried to prove that to the world. The festival was…
BDS Pressured Celebrity Chefs To Boycott Israeli Food Festival. Chef Gabrielle Hamilton Withdrew.
The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement has issued a petition signed by more than 70 food industry notables (including cookbook author Julia Turshen and the People’s Kitchen Collective) urging the chefs invited to Israel’s Round Tables Food Festival to reconsider their attendance. The open letter was addressed to chefs like Chef Isa Mazuchi of La…
‘Jew Hungry?’ Food Truck Vandalized In Austin
Scotty Grossbard got the phone call 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, on his first vacation since his Jewish deli-themed food truck Jew Hungry? opened eight months ago. “I knew something was wrong,” he said. The bar manager of the 04 Lounge, which Jew Hungry? parks in front of, told him the food truck had been broken…
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