Simi Lichtman is a contributor to the Forward.
Simi Lichtman is a contributor to the Forward.
It is the “too” that speaks to me. Millions of women—if not all women—have experienced assault or harassment of some form. Millions of men have, too. Hundreds of them, I know personally. We all know hundreds of them personally. Until yesterday, I knew that. Intellectually, I know the statistics. As a social worker providing therapy…
Trump is not Hitler. Only Hitler was Hitler. There’s nothing worthwhile to be accomplished by introducing that comparison as a rhetorical tactic. As German historian Thomas Weber points out in his article on DW, comparing anyone to Hitler is a distraction and any argument that draws that parallel is destined to futility. And yet this…
Feminist, to me, has never been a dirty word. In fact, as soon as I learned the word and its meaning, I embraced the term, cloaking myself in the righteousness of women’s rights, brandishing the banner of feminism as a challenge to those around me. When I was younger, I took on the childish causes…
Never again. My husband and I heard these words, playing through tinny headphones in heavily accented English. We must remember so it never happens again. Remember, not simply through thought, but through visits to museums, to sites of murder, to dark buildings lined with photographs of skeletal bodies. Remember, not in the typical sense: not…
When someone in a public position is known for using his platform to spread messages of hatred and bigotry, there’s an argument to be made for ignoring that person. When that person is Steven Pruzansky, rabbi of a large Modern Orthodox synagogue in a large Modern Orthodox community, there’s certainly nothing shocking about hearing that…
Editor’s Note: This is the concluding post in Simi Lichtman’s blog exploring her first year of married life as a young Modern Orthodox woman. Simi will still be writing for the Sisterhood blog and for the Forward. You’ll be able to find Just Married in Forward.com’s archives. Jeremy and I watched a movie recently in…
A friend of mine posted a crowd-sourcing question on Facebook one day: “What are things you try to do every day?” I’m not sure the reason for her question — though she is a cognitive psychology student studying morality — but it stuck with me, mostly because it was something that seems to capture a…
Once again, a mass shooting tragedy has captured the nation’s attention. Once again, the question everyone wants answered is: Why? What drove Aaron Alexis to do something so awful, so incomprehensible, and seemingly so senseless? We all want to know why he did it because we want to know if there’s something we could have…
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