Muhammad Shehada is a contributing columnist for the Forward.
Muhammad Shehada is a contributing columnist for the Forward.
To Gaza’s Neighbors in southern Israel: Over the last month, you’ve had some of the most sleepless and terrible nights in years, and so have your Palestinian sisters and brothers in Gaza. Shabbat after Shabbat, you had only 15 seconds to shelter your loved ones; meanwhile, many Gazans had no time to escape, nowhere to…
There is nothing more despicable than blaming victims for their own suffering. Unfortunately, we Palestinians know that this is inevitably the narrative Israel will spin. 14-year-old Mohammed Ayoub, double-amputee Ibrahim Abu Thuriya, unarmed journalist Yasser Murtaja, and the brave angel of mercy, Razan al-Najjar, were not shot dead because they wanted to be. They were…
On June 1, 21-year-old volunteer paramedic Razan al-Najjar was shot dead at the Gaza protests while rescuing injured protestors near the separation fence. Anyone with the smallest modicum of moral decency should be shattered, devastated and overwhelmed by her death, just as they should be devastated by the horrendous improvised projectile that hit a kindergarten…
Today was a heartbreaking day for Gaza. While American and Israeli leaders celebrated a new American embassy in Jerusalem, protests along the Israel/Gaza border resulted in 55 Palestinian deaths. A number of them were children. Throughout the day, the numbers skyrocketed, from 16 to 40 in just one hour. Of those who survived, 2,000 were…
My mother started to scream on Friday, when she learned that my 18-year-old brother went to the Gaza border protests without telling her. She cried on and off all day long, in a state of hysterical panic until he returned back home safely late at night. She asked him why he went even though she…
This weekend, hundreds of Gazans were injured by the Israeli Defense Forces during a Palestinian demonstration near the border with Israel. To some, like Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, Israeli soldiers deserve a medal for the amount of restraint they showed in not mowing down more civilians. To others, the whole event was a “propaganda…
Last year at a conference in Dubai, former US secretary of state John Kerry discussed the Palestinian plight in a way that now seems prescient. He warned of a situation in which Israel faces “40,000 kids marching up to the wall every day with signs saying ‘give us our rights’.” Furthermore, explained Kerry, “I don’t…
On March 13, Jared Kushner and Jason D. Greenblatt held a White House summit on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza with leaders from Israel, several Arab nations and Western countries — but there were no leaders from either the Palestinian Authority or Gaza in attendance. “We all know that none of this will be easy,”…
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